Una bolsa reutilizable funcional y duradera. Esta bolsa, aparentemente pequeña, se estira y expande para dar cabida a casi cualquier cosa desde frutas y verduras hasta panes, flores y vino. Es perfecta para ir al supermercado, al mercado agrícola o simplemente para tenerla a mano como bolsa por si acaso. Más allá de las compras locales, esta bolsa es perfecta para la playa y los viajes, de modo que no importa en qué parte del mundo te encuentres, tienes tu bolsa reutilizable.
Material: Algodón Natural
Resiste hasta 18 kilogramos
A functional and durable reusable bag. This seemingly small bag stretches and expands to accommodate almost anything from fruits and vegetables to breads, flowers and wine. It's perfect for grocery shopping, the farmer's market or just to keep on hand as a bag just in case. Beyond local shopping, this bag is perfect for the beach and travel, so no matter where you are in the world, you have your reusable bag.
Material: Natural Cotton
Holds up to 18 kilograms
Material: Algodón Natural
Resiste hasta 18 kilogramos
A functional and durable reusable bag. This seemingly small bag stretches and expands to accommodate almost anything from fruits and vegetables to breads, flowers and wine. It's perfect for grocery shopping, the farmer's market or just to keep on hand as a bag just in case. Beyond local shopping, this bag is perfect for the beach and travel, so no matter where you are in the world, you have your reusable bag.
Material: Natural Cotton
Holds up to 18 kilograms